Is there more to life than this?

The next Alpha starts at Christ Church on Tuesday 29th April 2025. Please get in touch to find out more.

What is Alpha?

Alpha is a chance to ask questions and explore the Christian faith in a fun, no pressure environment.

Alpha takes place across ten sessions with the option of a day away in the middle.

How does it work?

Each session includes food or snacks, a short video, and a discussion at the end where you can share your thoughts. You can choose to join a discussion small group either in English or Portuguese.

Dates and Times

We meet every Tuesday evening from 19h - 21h15 for ten weeks, from 29th April to 1st July. The Alpha Day will be on Saturday 7th June.

What if I try it and don’t like it?

If at any point you decide Alpha isn’t for you, that is not a problem. There is no pressure, no follow up, and no charge.


Meet new people who, just like you, are exploring whether there is more to life than this.


Learn the basics of the Christian faith and decide what you think.


You can try Alpha for just one week and there’s no pressure or follow up.

‘I had so many questions, and Alpha provided a safe space for me to ask them and explore the Christian faith without judgement or pressure.’
